Below you will find necessary information on preparation for your PowerPoint presentation.

All presenters have to send their PowerPoint presentations before the conference. The presentations will be distributed to the conference rooms by the organizers. We cannot guarantee that if you do not send your presentation on time, it will be shown, especially in on-line speeches.

Deadline for submission is: 28th August 2022
Maximum size of the presentation file should not exceed 50MB

Please follow the instructions below:

You may send your presentation

1. via WeTransfer
(see instruction The receiver’s address should be:

Instructions for uploading your video presentation via WeTransfer

  • Visit the
  • click “Add your files or Select a folder” or drag and drop the file from your PC,
  • type Your email,
  • click “Message” and type your Title and Paper ID,
  • click “Transfer” and wait until the process is completed (upload 100%),
  • You will receive an email notification once the presentation is downloaded by the organizers.

2. by e-mail to:

Preparing your presentation

  • Please save you presentation with your name and date/time of presentation as follows:
  • [Year month day _time_presenters-name_title-short]
  • not just the name of the conference. This will prevent any confusion when loading the presentation on the computer.


Power Point / PDF

  • Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is in 16:9 ratio.
  • You can prepare your presentations in PowerPoint 2016 or later for PC computer or compatible. Alternatively PDF files will be accepted.
  • Please note that PowerPoint.mac and Keynote (*.key) presentations are not accepted. Even if you have transferred your presentation to a Windows format, you must check your presentation to ensure that it is fully compatible with the PC computers.


Preparing Your Media for Onsite Presentation

  • When building your presentation, make sure that you include any external files utilized in the same folder as your presentation (i.e., movie files).
  • Do not use links to YouTube or other webservices in your presentations.



  • Do not use special fonts, which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package, as this will cause problems while uploading your file.



  • JPG images are the preferred file format for inserted images.
  • Images inserted into PowerPoint are embedded into the presentation.
  • Images that are created at a setting higher than 75 dpi are not necessary and will only increase the size of your presentation.


Movies and sound/music

  • It is imperative that you check your movies if your presentation contains video files.
  • Please be aware of the size of your video files. In most cases, lower resolution video files are very effective.
  • While we try to support as many PC video formats as possible, we can only accept movies under the following conditions:
    a) please take steps to compress your videos. Uncompressed videos will take longer to upload and will not be better quality than a modern MPEG-4 codec.
    b) We can only accept movies created as MPGs, WMVs, or with the following AVI codecs: MPEG-4 (Divx, Xvid, WMVs).
    c) Apple Quicktime formats such as MOV, QT, MP4, or DV files are NOT supported in Windows PowerPoint.
  • If your presentation includes sound/music, please announce it in advance.