Congress news
About the Congress
Conference Proceedings update
Dear Authors, We are pleased to inform you that the entire manuscript has successfully completed the review process. We received feedback on all volumes, carefully reviewed and addressed the reviewers' comments, and made the necessary revisions. No papers were...
Call for Contributions
Dear Participants of the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw, We’d like to remind you, that we are already collecting contributions for Proceedings, which will be published by Brepols. We are waiting for your paper until March 30th, 2023. Details and the...
50 zł silver collector coin – XVI International Numismatic Congress
Information on the sale of a 50 zł silver coin “XVI International Numismatic Congress” Please be informed that the sale of the 50 zł collector coin “XVI International Numismatic Congress” is conducted at cash desks of the NBP Regional Branch in Warsaw at. ul. Warecka...
The Survey of Numismatic Research 2014-2020 is ready in a pdf version
The Survey of Numismatic Research 2014-2020 is ready in a pdf version. This time it has 2 volumes and 1335 pages in total in A4 format. For more details please visit
Guidelines for PowerPoint presentation and Poster presentation
We kindly remind all sessions and round tables presenters as well as poster presenters that there are available presentation guidelines. Please note that we require to prepare and send your presentation in advance in mid-August 2022. For more details please visit...
Early bird registration extended until 30th April
We are pleased to annouce that early bird registration has been extended until 21st April 2022. We encourage to register in advance and benefit from lower rates. For more details on registration, click here.
New Statement of the Organising Committee of XVI INC on the War in Ukraine
On behalf of the Organising Committee of the XVI International Numismatic Congress, we strongly condemn V. Putin’s aggression on the territory of Ukraine. Following the decision of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education to suspend all contacts with...
Travel Grants for Polish scholars have been awarded
We are pleased to announce that 18 Polish young scholars were awarded with travel grant for International Numismatic Congress founded by the Polish Minister of Education and Science. The beneficiaries will be informed immediately.
Travel Grants has been awarded
We are pleased to inform, that first Travel Grants has been awarded. International Numismatic Council has granted 25 scholars from all over the world, who submitted their applications. Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne (Warsaw Numismatic Centre) has awarded 8...
Call for volunteers is open
We invite all interested students and PhD students of University of Warsaw to take part in our great event, which is the XVI International Numismatic Congress! We offer you the possibility to work with the professional team from Mazurkas Travel and to meet a wide...
Pre-Congress Event at the seat of the Polish Numismatic Society
The day before the start of the XVI International Numismatic Congress we invite to Pre-Congress Event, which will be held on Saturday, 10th of September 2022, at the seat of the Polish Numismatic Society, 6/8 Jezuicka Str, Warsaw 00-281.The meeting starts at 3 p.m....
The Coins & History Foundation about INC 2022
Professor Bursche has given an interview to one of our sponsors – Sammlerhuset Group. You can read it on the web page of the Coins and History Foundation
INC’s news on the War in Ukraine published by Coins Weekly
Our new statement regarding war, that Putin is waging in Ukraine was published by Coins Weekly. Attached was also a letter, which we sent to all Congress’ participants, who are receiving our newsletter. You can read the letter and new statement here...
Coins Weekly magazine – congress sponsorship possibilities
Another news about our upcoming Congress was published in Coins Weekly online magazine. This time the possibilities of sponsorship were referred. If you are interesting in becoming a sponsor of the XVI International Numismatic Congress read the news...
Congress promotion during The International Virtual Conference – Finds of foreign coins from India
In the upcoming week, on the 17-18th June, our colleague Emilia Smagur organizes the conference on the finds of foreign coins in India, during which Professor Bursche will give a presentation about the congress – what you can expect in Warsaw and Poland. The event...
Read the article created by American Numismatic Association about INC2021
You can download a digital copy (PDF file) of that article by simply clicking on a button below.
XVI International Numismatic Congress has been announced at the 49th World Money Fair in Berlin
Thanks to Samlerhuset the XVI International Numismatic Congress has been announced by dr. Anna Zapolska at the opening of the 49th World Money Fair in Berlin at 30th January 2020. Also flyers on the Congress were available to all visitors throughout the duration of...
What Should Be Discussed at the International Numismatic Congress?
Coins Weekly has an answer for you. Read the full article on the Coins Weekly website.
Congress news
Conference Proceedings update
Dear Authors, We are pleased to inform you that the entire manuscript has successfully completed the review process. We received feedback on all volumes, carefully reviewed and addressed the reviewers' comments, and made the necessary revisions. No papers were...
Call for Contributions
Dear Participants of the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw, We’d like to remind you, that we are already collecting contributions for Proceedings, which will be published by Brepols. We are waiting for your paper until March 30th, 2023. Details and the...
50 zł silver collector coin – XVI International Numismatic Congress
Information on the sale of a 50 zł silver coin “XVI International Numismatic Congress” Please be informed that the sale of the 50 zł collector coin “XVI International Numismatic Congress” is conducted at cash desks of the NBP Regional Branch in Warsaw at. ul. Warecka...
The Survey of Numismatic Research 2014-2020 is ready in a pdf version
The Survey of Numismatic Research 2014-2020 is ready in a pdf version. This time it has 2 volumes and 1335 pages in total in A4 format. For more details please visit
Guidelines for PowerPoint presentation and Poster presentation
We kindly remind all sessions and round tables presenters as well as poster presenters that there are available presentation guidelines. Please note that we require to prepare and send your presentation in advance in mid-August 2022. For more details please visit...
Early bird registration extended until 30th April
We are pleased to annouce that early bird registration has been extended until 21st April 2022. We encourage to register in advance and benefit from lower rates. For more details on registration, click here.
New Statement of the Organising Committee of XVI INC on the War in Ukraine
On behalf of the Organising Committee of the XVI International Numismatic Congress, we strongly condemn V. Putin’s aggression on the territory of Ukraine. Following the decision of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education to suspend all contacts with...
Travel Grants for Polish scholars have been awarded
We are pleased to announce that 18 Polish young scholars were awarded with travel grant for International Numismatic Congress founded by the Polish Minister of Education and Science. The beneficiaries will be informed immediately.
Travel Grants has been awarded
We are pleased to inform, that first Travel Grants has been awarded. International Numismatic Council has granted 25 scholars from all over the world, who submitted their applications. Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne (Warsaw Numismatic Centre) has awarded 8...
Call for volunteers is open
We invite all interested students and PhD students of University of Warsaw to take part in our great event, which is the XVI International Numismatic Congress! We offer you the possibility to work with the professional team from Mazurkas Travel and to meet a wide...
About the Congress
Pre-Congress Event at the seat of the Polish Numismatic Society
The day before the start of the XVI International Numismatic Congress we invite to Pre-Congress Event, which will be held on Saturday, 10th of September 2022, at the seat of the Polish Numismatic Society, 6/8 Jezuicka Str, Warsaw 00-281.The meeting starts at 3 p.m....
The Coins & History Foundation about INC 2022
Professor Bursche has given an interview to one of our sponsors – Sammlerhuset Group. You can read it on the web page of the Coins and History Foundation
INC’s news on the War in Ukraine published by Coins Weekly
Our new statement regarding war, that Putin is waging in Ukraine was published by Coins Weekly. Attached was also a letter, which we sent to all Congress’ participants, who are receiving our newsletter. You can read the letter and new statement here...
Coins Weekly magazine – congress sponsorship possibilities
Another news about our upcoming Congress was published in Coins Weekly online magazine. This time the possibilities of sponsorship were referred. If you are interesting in becoming a sponsor of the XVI International Numismatic Congress read the news...
Congress promotion during The International Virtual Conference – Finds of foreign coins from India
In the upcoming week, on the 17-18th June, our colleague Emilia Smagur organizes the conference on the finds of foreign coins in India, during which Professor Bursche will give a presentation about the congress – what you can expect in Warsaw and Poland. The event...
Read the article created by American Numismatic Association about INC2021
You can download a digital copy (PDF file) of that article by simply clicking on a button below.
XVI International Numismatic Congress has been announced at the 49th World Money Fair in Berlin
Thanks to Samlerhuset the XVI International Numismatic Congress has been announced by dr. Anna Zapolska at the opening of the 49th World Money Fair in Berlin at 30th January 2020. Also flyers on the Congress were available to all visitors throughout the duration of...
What Should Be Discussed at the International Numismatic Congress?
Coins Weekly has an answer for you. Read the full article on the Coins Weekly website.