Conference Proceedings update

Dear Authors, We are pleased to inform you that the entire manuscript has successfully completed the review process. We received feedback on all volumes, carefully reviewed and addressed the reviewers' comments, and made the necessary revisions. No papers were...

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Call for Contributions

Dear Participants of the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw, We’d like to remind you, that we are already collecting contributions for Proceedings, which will be published by Brepols. We are waiting for your paper until March 30th, 2023. Details and the...

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Travel Grants has been awarded

We are pleased to inform, that first Travel Grants has been awarded. International Numismatic Council has granted 25 scholars from all over the world, who submitted their applications. Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne (Warsaw Numismatic Centre) has awarded 8...

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Call for volunteers is open

We invite all interested students and PhD students of University of Warsaw to take part in our great event, which is the XVI International Numismatic Congress! We offer you the possibility to work with the professional team from Mazurkas Travel and to meet a wide...

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Conference Proceedings update

Dear Authors, We are pleased to inform you that the entire manuscript has successfully completed the review process. We received feedback on all volumes, carefully reviewed and addressed the reviewers' comments, and made the necessary revisions. No papers were...

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Call for Contributions

Dear Participants of the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw, We’d like to remind you, that we are already collecting contributions for Proceedings, which will be published by Brepols. We are waiting for your paper until March 30th, 2023. Details and the...

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Travel Grants has been awarded

We are pleased to inform, that first Travel Grants has been awarded. International Numismatic Council has granted 25 scholars from all over the world, who submitted their applications. Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne (Warsaw Numismatic Centre) has awarded 8...

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Call for volunteers is open

We invite all interested students and PhD students of University of Warsaw to take part in our great event, which is the XVI International Numismatic Congress! We offer you the possibility to work with the professional team from Mazurkas Travel and to meet a wide...

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