Travel grants

updated: 18th February 2022

We are pleased to inform, that the following Travel Grants have been awarded.

International Numismatic Council has granted 25 scholars from all over the world, who submitted their applications. Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne (Warsaw Numismatic Centre) has awarded 8 Ukrainian scholars.

All beneficiaries will be informed soon.

Travel Grants for Polish scholars.
We are pleased to announce that 18 Polish young scholars were awarded with travel grant for International Numismatic Congress founded by the Polish Minister of Education and Science.

The beneficiaries will be informed immediately.

Young scholars can traditionally apply for a travel grant.

The first grants have been announced by International Numismatic Council.

Here you can find the application form

Polish Minister of Education and Science travel grants for young scholars living in Poland outside Warsaw

The Polish Minister of Education and Science awarded 25 travel grants in the amount of PLN 1,400 each to young scholars participating in the XVI INC living in Poland outside Warsaw. “Young scholar” means a person who does not have a habilitation or the status of a professor, regardless of age. “Living in PL outside Warsaw” means having a Polish domicile in a distance more than 100 km from Warsaw center.

Travel grant do not cover the Congress registration fee. The reduced fee (150 EUR) should be paid by your institution or yourself by 31 May at the latest. If the payment is not made on time, the organizing committee will make a selection from a reserve list.

The grant will cover your 5 overnights (up to 200 PLN each), 6 day-allowances (30 PLN per day) and travel costs based on tickets documented in a paper form (up to 220 PLN both way). Receiving a grant, you are obligated to participate in the whole Congress and accompanying events.

Priority will be given to those who submitted paper or poster. The deadline for applications is:  10th February 2022. If we do not receive all applications by this date, further travel grants will not be awarded.

Before sending the application form, please submitt the paper proposal here.

You can send your application on the following address:

Granty wyjazdowe Ministra Edukacji i Nauki dla młodych naukowców zamieszkałych w Polsce poza Warszawą

Minister Edukacji i Nauki przyznał 25 grantów wyjazdowych w wysokości 1400 zł każdy dla młodych naukowców biorących udział w XVI INC zamieszkałych w Polsce poza Warszawą. “Młody naukowiec” oznacza osobę z tytułem mgr, która nie ma habilitacji lub stanowiska/tytułu profesora, niezależnie od wieku. “Zamieszkanie w PL poza Warszawą” oznacza zamieszkanie w Polsce w odległości większej niż 100 km od centrum Warszawy.

Grant nie pokrywa kosztów opłaty kongresowej. Zniżkowa kwota (w wysokości 150 EUR) powinna zostać opłacona indywidualnie przez grantobiorcę lub instytucję, w której jest zatrudniony lub studiuje najdalej do 31 maja. W przypadku nie dokonania opłaty na czas komitet organizacyjny dokona wyboru z listy rezerwowej.

Grant pokrywa koszty 5 noclegów (do 200 zł każdy), 6 diet (30 zł dziennie) i udokumentowane w formie papierowej koszty podróży (do 220 zł w obie strony). Grantobiorcy są zobowiązani do uczestnictwa w całym Kongresie i towarzyszącym mu wydarzeniom.

Pierwszeństwo będą miały osoby, które zgłosiły referat lub poster. Ostateczny termin nadsyłania wniosków upływa 10 lutego 2022 r. Jeśli nie otrzymamy wystarczającej liczby wniosków do tego czasu, dalsze granty nie zostaną przyznane.

Przed wysłaniem formularza prosimy zgłosić propozycję referatu lub posteru tutaj.

Prosimy o wysłanie formularza na następujący adres:

Warsaw Numismatic Center Travel grants
for Ukrainian researchers
participating in the XVI International Numismatic Congress (INC)

Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne funded 10 grants of EUR 500 each for Ukrainian researchers with a valid international passport, who will present a paper or poster at the Congress in English, French, Spanish, German or Italian. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. Recipients will be selected by a Competition Committee composed of members indicated by the Organising Committee of the Congress. The required condition is to submit a paper or poster on the Congress website by December 20, 2021 and fill in the travel grant form. The Competition Commission will announce the results on January 17, 2022.

The grants will be used to cover the costs of the congress fee (150 Euro) and 6 nights in Warsaw. The remaining amount (for travel and diet costs) will be paid in PLN to the grant holders upon arrival at the Congress.

Before sending the application form, please submitt the paper proposal here.

You can send your application on the following address:


Тревел-гранти Варшавського Нумізматичного Центру (WCN)
для українських дослідників
, учасників XVI-го Всесвітнього Нумізматичного Конгресу

Варшавський Нумізматичний Центр (WCN) надає фінансування 10 грантів у розмірі 500 євро для українських дослідників з дійсним закордонним паспортом, які представлять на Конгресі доповідь чи постер англійською, французькою, іспанською, німецькою або італійською мовами. Гранти будуть присуджуватися на конкурсній основі. Одержувачів стипендії буде обирати Конкурсний комітет, що складається з членів, призначених Оргкомітетом Конгресу. Необхідною умовою є подання до 20 грудня 2021 року назви доповіді або постеру на веб-сайті Конгресу та заповнення форми заявки. Конкурсна комісія оголосить результати 17 січня 2022 року.

Грант буде використаний для покриття організаційного внеску (150 євро) та оплати 6 ночівель у Варшаві. Решта суми, призначена на покриття проїзду та харчування, буде виплачена стипендіатам у злотих після прибуття на Конгрес.

Перш ніж надіслати виповнену форму заявки, подайте паперову пропозицію тут.

Просимо надсилати заявки на цей адрес:

Зверніть увагу: заявки можна подавати виключно використовуючи нашу форму до 30 листопада 2021 року.

Warsaw Numismatic Center Travel grants
for Georgian researchers
participating in the XVI International Numismatic Congress (INC)

Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne funded 2 grants of EUR 500 each for Georgian researchers with a valid international passport, who will present a paper or poster at the Congress in English, French, Spanish, German or Italian. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. Recipients will be selected by a Competition Committee composed of members indicated by the Organising Committee of the Congress. The required condition is to submit a paper or poster on the Congress website by December 20, 2021 and fill in the travel grant form. The Competition Commission will announce the results on January 30, 2022.


The grants will be used to cover the costs of the congress fee (150 Euro) and 6 nights in Warsaw. The remaining amount (for travel and diet costs) will be paid in PLN to the grant holders upon arrival at the Congress.

Before sending the application form, please submitt the paper proposal here.

You can send your application on the following address:



Travel Grants for Austrian scholars

Münze Össterreich AG and the Institut für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte have offered six travel grants for young scholars from Austria, who in turn will take part in the whole Numismatic Congress in September 2022. Further three grants are granted by Österreichische Numismatische Gesellschaft. The 500 euro grant will cover the Congress fee and accommodation. Applications for both grants should be sent by the 31st of December to Institut für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte ( More details regarding the application can be found here:

Six awards of the Italian Academy of Numismatic Studies (AISN) in collaboration with the Numismatic Council of Italian University (CoIN)

The Italian Academy of Numismatic Studies (AISN) in collaboration with the Numismatic Council of Italian University (CoIN) intends to announce six awards on specific numismatic topics to encourage the participation of researchers, including non-Italians, at the next International Congress of Numismatic of Warsaw (only two scholarships will be reserved for young scholars of Italian nationality). The prize will comprise of 500 €, which should cover the Congress fee and could be spent on travel and / or accommodation.

Applications must include:

  1. an abstract of the research project that is the subject of the paper or poster (maximum 1000 characters) in Italian or in English;
  2. a short CV, possibly with bibliography (maximum 3500 characters);
  3. a letter of recommendation (no longer than one A4 page) signed by a member of the academic / numismatic community.

Applications must be submitted by email by 31 December 2021 on the following address:
The results will be announced by 15 February 2022

More details

The Royal Numismatic Society and British Numismatic Society travel grant

The Royal Numismatic Society and British Numismatic Society are each offering 10 x £750 bursaries (20 in all), for attendance at the XVIth International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw in September 2021. All UK residents, who are members of RNS or BNS, students or employees of UK academic institutions are invited to apply for the scholarship. Details can be seen here:

French Numismatic Society awards

French Numismatic Society will award two grants of 600 € each to young French-speaking members (under 30 years old) of SNF. The deadline for application is the 20th of December 2021. To apply there is the necessity of submitting a paper or poster, which will be presented during the XVI INC in Warsaw. All necessary information is to be found here

The American Numismatic Society (ANS) travel grant

The American Numismatic Society (ANS) announces eight travel grants to attend the International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw. Each awardee of an ANS travel grant will receive up to $750 to be used towards the cost of travel to and from Warsaw. In order to be eligible for the grants, applicants must be members of the American Numismatic Society in good standing.

Applicants should submit their complete application materials by March 15, 2022. More details: